Why we do what we do and why we need your support

For over 25 years the Walker Family, Mary, Graham and Caroline, developed and ran a very successful Charity on their 30 acre farm in Lancashire …an early example of the Care Farms that have now become so popular and successful throughout the Uk and even the rest of the world.

The charity became Market leaders and winning numerous awards including an invitation to celebrate the work at a champagne reception at 10 Downing street no less!

It was run as a Registered Charity and paved the way in the UK for many more enterprises both large and small over the coming years.

On moving to Cumbria in 2007 the family continued this work in a small way within a new hospitality enterprise working with many Cumbrian SEN and disabled and disadvantaged groups. In 2021 Mary and Graham retired to enjoy their time at their home in Melmerby at Ravenstone Country Manor and it was intended that the community work would be continued from the site in a small way to “Give something back”.

Life has a way of changing your intentions and without warning in 2022 Mary was diagnosed with cancer and big plans and changes were needed.

Mary sadly passed away in July 2023 but left behind this amazing legacy offering these chances for those in need.

Again, as a family, we have been so very grateful to have almost sailed through life without too much heartache and trauma and have decided that we want to leave our legacy to be one of utilising our wonderful site here to provide help and support within all areas of the community but particularly children struggling with life’s problems, anxieties and disadvantages for whatever reason.

We want to provide this on a philanthropic basis and to try to support the running of this financially ourselves and hopefully with the help of generous donations or small donations from participants if they are able to contribute themselves to their sessions. This support will all contribute to the care of the animals, running of the site, staff costs and vets fees etc to enable the work to be able to continue long term.

It is not run as a charity but purely a private philanthropic enterprise that simply has the children’s and communities best interests at it very heart.

Using animals and nature to bring hope, peace, joy and laughter into the lives of people who really need it in today’s world is our overriding goal and we hope to go from strength to strength with your help and support.