What we do at Natures Helping Hands

It is widely recognised these days that communing with nature and being around animals has extremely beneficial benefits to everyone in a variety of ways.

Green space and interaction with living creatures brings peace and positive feelings into our hearts and minds and enables us to relax, focus and gain a sense of self within our busy and frantic world.

Children especially benefit from the tactile experience and being around and interacting with animals is not only soothing and therapeutic but also relives feelings of anxiety, stress and promotes self awareness self belief and increases self esteem and confidence.

The activities we offer are not only combining physical and mental health benefits but also promoting exercise and education as we offer a variety of stimulating and enjoyable short activities based around getting the children to interact with not only the animals, but each other too promoting inclusivity no matter what their personal difficulties or circumstances may be.

We promote gentle exercise during walking activities on site using the animals such as pygmy goats, llamas, alpacas and small dogs and also combine this with some agility exercises encouraging the children to complete small obstacle courses with the animals as an example of this.

The sense of achievement this creates is amazing to see and the confidence of the children grows steadily.

Other interactive activities can be tactile using creatures with different textured coats and skin such as fluffy rabbits, chickens, ferrets, skinny pigs (hairless Guinea pigs with skin like velvet) and also whisper soft chinchilla coats and of course the smooth skin of our reptiles and snakes.

The setting is very much orientated around green space, natural wildlife habitats with lots of flora and fauna, birdsong and woodland space to enjoy some green TLC.

You can even try Goat yoga for an unforgettable fun experience!

We also have indoor space for activities to enable all year round activities to be offered.

All aspects of the curriculum can be incorporated into the sessions such as Maths English Geography History Art Biology.   Talk to us about your needs and ideas.

the Blue Sky and your imagination are the only limits!

If there is anything in particular you feel would benefit your group please do not hesitate to discuss this with us. We want you to get the most out of your time with us and we try to keep the activities as simple as possible so it does not create any anxiety for the children.